Wednesday, May 26, 2010


something REAL
bad happened to me, last night.
okay it starts when i was freaking struggling to finish the stupid geografi folio up. i wanna make sure it is done before this morning because teacher said today is the last day for us to submit our folio. THAT IS WHY I WAS STRUGGLING. if i didntt submit it, the marks for my GEOGRAFI would be BAD.

so, i was in Nadia's room, doing the folio. then, i went into the toilet. after that, i went out of the toilet with my WET foot. i went into my room to take my PENDRIVE. i didnt switch on the light.


i was slipped and my forehead hit the sharp part of my bed's corner.
i felt nothing. and then i was trying to get up. something menitik nitik. i knew it was blood. but i didnt expect that i was bleeding TOO MUCH. then my dad call me. he called me " ANGAH! kenapa?" i was like " ayah.. jatuh.." then, i walked out of my room, WEH! DARAH AKU MENITIK NITIK KAU TAHU? ayah was like " MASYAALLAH ASTAGHFIRULLAH!" i hugged him. i was afraid sebab darah banyak sangat!

he used his hand and pegang the part yang bleeding tu. TAHU TAK? darah mengalir dari tangan dia menitik nitik atas lantai. and then dia cakap "jom jom! pegi hospital" on that time, ayah was wearing kain pelekat with no shirt on. i hugged him, i felt like dont wanna let him go. my head feel like FREAKING HEAVY and DIZZY. doctor said because i lost a lot of blood. ayah took towel and he ask me to hold it tightly. he drove super fast. we went to HOSPITAL DANAU KOTA. it is a private, small hospital. then, we met the nurse. MUKA AKU PENUH DENGAN DARAH WEH! MACAM ORANG ACCIDENT. my dad was talking to her and then she came near to me.
she was like "oh, kalau macam ni bang, kena bawak pegi hospital besar jugak. kena X-RAY dulu takut ada luka dalam. takut gegaran ke" i was like WTF? X-RAY?

haha okay so ayah drove laju gila babeng. pegi hospital KUALA LUMPUR. then, pegi dekat tempat kecemasan. one abang took wheelchair and he asked me to sit on it. he tolak the kerusi roda and then blah blah blah.

the story is too long kalau nak suruh i cerita sampai habis. yang pasti, semalam is the first in my lifetime i masuk X-RAY room, and OPERATION THEATER. but thank god they didnt JAHIT my dahi. they just GLU it. haha zaman moden.

okay tak pecaya kan? these are the evidence left:


makan 4 kali sehari. wth?

JABATAN KECEMASAN DAN TRAUMA. okay, in my case, KECEMASAN is true but not TRAUMA. haha

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

release tension :)

as you guys know, im sitting the diagnostic test, this whole week.


and then, a MAGICAL idea came across my mind.
me and my retarded sister, nadia, took our mum's make up set in silent.
and we play with it.

here are the artistic results:

haha okay. we look like idiot clowns.


Sunday, May 23, 2010

why am i so lazy? goddddd

esok, exam agama dengan maths. tadi ibu ngan ayah went to sekolah ayong sebab nak hantar dia balik asrama. sebab ibu dah masak spaghetti tadi, so i decided taknak follow diorg dengan alasan nak study. tapi ada i study? online adalah. tadi baru buat chapter 1 and 2 maths form 3 dah macam wmcfbjxgjcvjn. can you guys imagine, baru chapter depan2 buku teks i dah takboleh buat, nikan pulak chapter belakang2 yg susah lagi mencabar.

i still remember my promise to myself 2 hari lepas:

"selagi diagnostic test is not over, i wont touch the laptop. for god sake"

ada i buat benda tu? okay, obviously, takde.

thankyou bye bye. i hate being lazy. tapi i takboleh stop from being lazy.

shut up, lazy.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

polka days.


first.. hi. lama dah i tak update this blog stuff kan? haha kinda busy lately. (ayat superstar) okayokay. berhenti mengarut wahai makcik iffah yg buncit lagi jendul.

actually, im having my Diagnostic test, this week. tapi tengoklah! bukannya nak study. lazy as. my sister ada kat rumah. BALIK BERMALAM. for those yg tak tahu what BALIK BERMALAM is, its a compulsory thing that student yg duduk asrama kena buat. balik rumah, 3 hari 2 malam, lepastu balik asrama semula. BORING kan life diorang? so, she's here and she bring along her friend, kak tasya.

and she got a program yg she have to promote her school pada budak2 sekolah si what eh? i lupa lah. sikijang, sikajang? something like that lah. tempat tu dekat dengan KLANG. so, we sent her there early in the morning, then we merayau rayau kat kota KLANG. haha cehh.

sudah lah berangan. haha

haha nadia.

nak sangat pakai selendang. hah. amik lah!

pandai kan kakak dia pakai kan? haha perasan.

nak buat bed spread. haha

nadia got talent in taking pictures. cuba tengok yg kat atas ni ^. cantik kan?

lepak lepak chill chill

kak tasya :)

ibu buat apa lah tu. her mulut is the best part.

dia mengantuk.


oh btw, did i mentioned yg jalan kat KLANG masa tu freaking jam? takde kan? haha memang jam gilaa. hujan pulak tu. oh GREAT. nadia sampai tertidur tidur. check this out:

and time time jam macam ni lah i baru sedar yg my sneakers sangat kotor. so, i cleaned it up guna tisu samapi jadi putih berseri. haha

KEJInya I. haha

omg! double chin! haha gemuk gemuk.

roti canai panas panas :)

itu shaja.

bye bye :)

